Thursday, March 26, 2009

Prof. Wilson and Prof. Davis

This week in Lincoln Seminar, nationally known Lincoln historians, Prof. Wilson and Prof. Davis of Knox College, luckily joined us. These two enlightened men gave us insights on President Lincoln's life and tribulations throughout his life from growing up in Kentucky to life in the White House.

We were allowed asked them questions that we made up ourselves. One of the most interesting questions was how Lincoln's life would've changed if he were fully educated in school instead of self-educated. Prof. Wilson told us that if Lincoln was formally educated, his speeches and writing might have been a lot more "flowery.”

1 comment:

Kathy said...

If you're interested in Dr. Wilson's thoughts on Lincoln's avoidance of flowery language, he gave a good talk as part of a Library of Congress symposium on Lincoln --you can find the webcast at Dr. Wilson was the second speaker in session 2.

I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Wilson on a Lincoln website ( and have been continually impressed by his insight. Perhaps someday I will get to meet Dr. Davis as well.